We are happy to help!
Are you prepared to dive into epic adventures and engage in fierce battles with cards? Little Wars in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is your ultimate destination for all your roleplaying and wargaming needs.
Step into our expansive 2,000 square foot showroom, equipped with 10 spacious gaming tables and plenty of seating for every brave soul. Join us for a variety of scheduled events including roleplaying games, wargames, Magic games, and engaging workshops.
Take part in our thrilling monthly tournaments and explore our wide selection of top-quality gaming products. With nearly two decades of experience in the industry, Little Wars stands as Baton Rouge’s premier gaming sanctuary, managed by passionate gamers for gamers.
Stay informed with our knowledgeable staff on the latest trends and developments in the gaming world, as we look forward to the exciting future of gaming. Whether you seek to witness an unfolding campaign, embark on a quest to vanquish a dragon, or enhance your collection of miniatures and games, Little Wars is your go-to destination.
Are you into tabletop gaming?
At Little Wars, we have a wide range of products to help you delve further into the realm of RPGs, deck-building games, and miniature painting.
Whether you’re an experienced dungeon master seeking new adventures or a novice looking to dazzle your friends at game night, our extensive selection of games, supplies, and accessories is sure to meet your needs.
From dice and miniatures to everything in between, we are dedicated to bringing your tabletop escapades to life.
Come and discover a world brimming with endless possibilities!
What’s with the name of the shop?
Little Wars is named in honor of Herbert George Wells, the English novelist, essayist and social critic best known for his turn-of-the-century science fiction novels The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, and The First Men in the Moon.
Writing in the glory days of a British empire established as much by muskets as by machines, H.G. Wells intended Little Wars: A Game for Boys, From Twelve Years of Age to One Hundred and Fifty and For That More Intelligent Sort of Girls Who Like Boy’s Games and Books to serve as a simple rules system of enjoyable war-gaming for non-professional soldiers. With terrain a mere jumble of books and blocks borrowed from the library and nursery room, he laid out battlefields on lawns and living rooms where middle-aged Napoleons fired breech-loading toy cannons at armies of brightly painted Britains tin soldiers.